STRENGTH 101 has allowed me to explore using equipment that has intimidated me in the past—or that I just never learned how to properly use. I wanted to find a way to go outside of my comfort zone with ladies that I trust to support me through it.
— Taylor, 101 grad

It was really important to me to come back after pregnancy in a safe way, so I joined this class to learn about how to properly add weights into my cardio heavy routine. I learned how to view my postpartum body as strong and capable instead of being hard on myself. Sarah and Cara have promoted a positive and supportive environment.
— Kat, mom of 3

I love the workouts and the attention that Cara and Sarah give to us as a group and individually. More importantly, the energy they both bring to each class—and their supportive and positive attitudes—set the bar for not only the workouts, but for fostering a strong community of women who support each other inside and outside of the gym.
— Stefanie, TLL legion

I knew I was strong, but I didn’t know how strong I could be. This class is hard, but it’s so empowering.
— Greta, 101 grad + nerdette podcast

I have been incredibly inspired by this amazing community of women. In addition to Sarah and Cara, I’ve gotten great coaching and support from all of my team members. I’ve become more comfortable with more weight and fewer reps and have noticed real improvement in my running form already—much tighter core for the win! I’ve become more thoughtful on how I fuel my body, and it has definitely helped me to make more mindful decisions!
— Inga, TLL legion + marathon runner

Thank you for providing me with motivation and accountability to be a sexy 70 year old. It’s a challenging workout each week, which pushes me farther than I would do on my own. I appreciate also being able to work in a group with only women for the camaraderie, support, and techniques that are better suited to a female body. I especially appreciated Cara’s hotel body weight workout sequence. A three-move set is easy enough to remember and it can be done anywhere!
— Laura, TLL legion